
Ali Shobeiri is Assistant Professor of Photography and Visual Culture at Leiden University (NL), where he teaches BA/MA courses and supervises MA/PhD students at the departments of Media Studies and Art History. Before joining Leiden University, he worked as a lecturer of Cultural Studies at Radboud University of Nijmegen (2017-2018).

As an academic, he is interested in interdisciplinary theoretical research at the intersection of photography, philosophy, aesthetics, and placial studies. Among his recent publications are: Psychosomatic Imagery: Photographic Reflections on Mental Disorders, co-edited (2023); Place: Towards a Geophilosophy of Photography, monograph (2021); and Animation and Memory, co-edited (2020). His upcoming book projects are entitled Virtual Photography co-edited (2024) Oikography: Homemaking through Photography co-edited (2025).   

As a photographer, he is interested in place-bound images and practices. See ︎︎︎ Photography 

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